目前分類:進修 (4)

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去年4月開始了EMBA 的第一堂課, 我報名的是第五屆的課程, 但卻比第五屆同學慢了3堂課, 本以為總共11門課, 我應該可以在每個月上一門課的行程下, 趕上其他同學, 誰知道去年5.6月我臨危授命的到美國工作的五週, 也因此又缺了3門課, 去年總共完成了7門課, 其實進度算還是不錯的...只不過還是未能趕上第五屆的同學一起畢業, 看著同學們的畢業典禮的照片, 可真是讓我羨慕啊....多麼希望我也是其中一個啊...因為太難過所以我沒去觀禮....

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2008年4月開始了第一門課: Operation Management, 沒想到教的內容剛好就是我現在的工作 - Forecast -> Demand plan -> S&OP -> Supply Chian -> DRP -> 6 sigma... 跟我在公司這二年所接受的訓練不謀不合, 由於本來一學年or一學期的課, 壓縮在二個週末上完, 還好公司的培訓相對深多了,而且我都已拿到6 sigma綠帶的認證了, 所以這門課對我來說當然駕輕就熟囉, Grade A 輕輕鬆鬆到手!

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I was born in a fairly prosperous and secure family with two elder brothers and one younger sister in a small town in Kaoshiung County. Both of my parents were farmers and worked very hard to support the family. All of my brothers and sister went to professional schools at night after graduated from Junior High School in order to support themselves financially. I was the only child who went to regular Senior High School with family’s financial support due to I was doing pretty good at Junior High School and passed the examination to join the best school in Tainan City. After graduated from Senior High School, I knew I should earn my tuition. I joined the examination for colleges at night and I made it to the highest score school in 1992- National Chung Hsing University majored in Business Administration in Taipei City.

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