目前分類:烹飪 (20)

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法式鮭魚薄餅 French Salmon Crepes


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鄉村燉牛(豬)肉 French Country Stew Beef(Pork) 


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<叁食而麗 * 母親節特別企劃活動>

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Lemon Tart


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Chocolate Truffle Souffle

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Pear Poached in Red Wine snd Spices Served with Ice Cream

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Fresh Raspberries/Strawberries) Cold Souffle

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Papeton D’aubergines
Eggplant Mouse

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Puree Mousse De Celeri Aux Pommes Vertes
Celery and Green Apple Mousse-Puree

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Tian Rouge 
Red Bell Pepper, Tomato and Provencal Herbs Gratin

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Paella Valenciana
Seafood, Chicken, Vegetable and Rice Stew, Flavored with Herbs and Saffron

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Provencal Roast Lamb

Perfumed with Herbs from the "Dry Scrubland" and with the Slivers of Garlic

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Poached Fresh Fillet of Cod, Peppercorn "Ocean" Sauce Flambeed with Whisky

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Chicken with Forty Garlic Cloves

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Sea Bass Mousse with Fresh Tomato-Basil Coulis

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Creamy Broccoli with Wild Thyme Flavored Soup  

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Canapes with Aromatic Herbs


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Mushrooms in Puff Pastry with Traditional Tarragon Sauce


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因為是農家人中的長女, 大概從小五小六就得準備全家人的三餐, 每天爸媽會在出門前叫我起床準備早餐, 而他們則在大陽尚未出來前, 趁涼先到田裡工作, 等工作告一段落後, 才回家吃早餐, 記得當時的我每次被叫起來都心不甘情不願的備早餐, 而且只要那餐是我準備的, 我便不吃, 不是說煮得不好吃, 總覺得當那餐準備好之後, 就飽了.... Anyway, 我並沒有因為從小就得準備三餐, 而痛恨煮菜, 反倒奠定我一些烹飪的基礎, 上了大學後, 與幾個同學在外租公寓, 偶爾也會開伙, 只是我的個性及外表, 很難讓人連想我是會煮菜的女生...... 

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